FIT3D Body Composition Scan
Goal Review and introductory strategy conversion with your coach
First class designed for all fitness levels and extra support
Build the strength to live a happy, active lifestyle, and look like it. Perform your best in every day life. Lift weights, lift your body, and build confidence in yourself.
A firm core, a strong posterior chain (the muscles on the back of your body) and the ability to stay stable while moving keeps us healthy, injury-free and improves our body’s resiliency.
Training at F13 means you’re not just working out, you’re learning too. We practice skills at low intensity first, refining our movement and becoming as efficient as possible
These aren’t just random movements thrown together to get you tired. This is thoughtfully programmed conditioning, designed to build your endurance and stamina.
7562 Penn Dr #160, Allentown, PA 18106
Don't recognize the person you see in the mirror every morning
Are tired of being winded playing with your family or going up stairs
Are sick of trying program after program only to see the weight go back up and feeling the same
Are feeling miserable waking up stiff and sore every morning
Are tired of having low energy
I can't wait to see how the 4S's helps you become the healthiest and strongest version of yourself!